Project Organisation

    ECWP is organized into a network of specialized stations distributed within two areas totaling more than 75,000 km².

    1) The main station, created in 1995, is based in Missour and is composed of:
    • a captive-breeding complex of 8,500 individual cages for adult breeders,
    • an incubation building, which can incubate up to 32,000 houbara eggs per year in a highly professional way.


    2) A second captive-breeding station, based 65 km from Missour in Enjil, was created in 2005. The design of this station is optimizing all current knowledge on houbara captive production. With this second station, the ECWP has the potential to produce more than 20,000 houbara per year. Enjil station also includes pre-release facilities that can hold more than 5,000 birds as of 2024.

    3) Four permanent field release stations with pre-release and release facilities were created in 2007 within areas managed by the ECWP project, one near Outat El Haj, one near Mataarka, one near Bouarfa, and another near Tata.